Reflections of Round 1 and experiences yet to come.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I know my posts lately have been sporadic at best. L.I.F.E has recently done a few somersaults and back- hand- springs . The result is a full fledged period of growth. My purpose is revealing itself to me and it's slowing beginning to make perfect sense. That is usually how it goes, huh? Been staring me in the face all along. It took one very special person, one very emotional/painful/self - evaluating/honest night to turn everything around for me. Sometimes you have to get shook up to let loose of those things that bind you. Well, I had my martini moment and came out the other end in a much better place.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Sometimes we ignore those slight warning signs. Little feelings that are trying to tip us off. Keep us from going down that path. Our own wants keep us moving forward not realizing that our wants may be completely opposite from what we really need. Just when you think everything has finally fallen in place and you can get an unsuspecting blow that knocks you off your feet. Oh well, time to get back up again.