Reflections of Round 1 and experiences yet to come.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Follow the leader...

So this journey through round 2 is nothing like I expected. If you asked me six months ago if I had a plan for my life. Most definitely I would have said yes. I was headed down a path that I knew very well. I saw my future. Everything had its place in life. Then along the way, things changed. I found out that people weren't really who I thought they were and my whole world turned upside down. Funny how it works that way, just when you think you have everything all figured out and accept it, God puts you on a completely different path. Now here I am. Staring down this road I never thought I would be on. Scared of the possibilities, but yet excited about them at the same time. What do you do when everything you thought you ever wanted ends up staring you in the face, but you weren't expecting it? Do you let the fear of it not being real keep you from grabbing hold, or do you jump in without testing the water? Who knows. That is what makes life amazing. You never know what to expect. But I am learning that if you just live in each moment and make the most of it, what lies ahead never really matters. What lies behind you doesn't matter either. The only thing you can't take back in life is the time you gave to something or someone. So here is to this moment. Me and my computer, doing what I love, reflecting on love and hoping that through it all, I am also spreading love and living in gratitude. God is good all the time.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I have kind of been in a funk this past week or so.  I couldn't seem to shake it. I lost my motivation. Didn't feel the drive I normally feel. I felt tired, run down, sad at times. It seemed life was throwing me curve balls two at a time...and then BAM! As I was driving home today, it hit me. Inspiration hit me so hard I had to pull over and pull the notebook out of my purse. (Yes, I now carry one at all times, the result of my recent trip- still need to write about that I know.) In a matter of minutes, I had filled several pages. It flowed from my soul. The release felt better than therapy, massages and chocolate all wrapped up in one. Then it hit me. I have not been writing. I let life get in the way again and stopped doing what I love the most. I can't remember the last time I did a photo shoot for myself. I haven't written consistently on my blogs for weeks.  But, one line, in one song, slapped me into gear. Thank God for music. Hearing someone else pour their soul into their craft reminded me of this journey I'm on and forced me to pull out of the rest stop. The fire inside is lit again...and for that I am forever grateful. Inspiration- you never know what you might spark inside someone else simply by doing what you love. So get on the road and get out there. Live, Love, Life.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Shorter Chapters

Just got back from vacation. It was a great vacation.  Started out with a flight that changed my views on love and life. I had several awakenings within. Met some great new people, spent time with one of my oldest and dearest friends. I will share those stories later. But for now, I realized that when you actively seek growth in your life, the chapters become shorter. You move on to the next wonderful thing sooner cause you learn to find the lesson the first time it is revealed. That is a beautiful thing. Right now, I am completely exhausted and sleep is calling my name. Just wanted to share that tidbit of wisdom I gained. Sweet dreams...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Just when you think Life can't be more amazing...

It is. Funny how you can get a wake up call in the middle of chaos. I had an epiphany today. In the middle of what seemed like the longest work day hit me. When my brain didn't have time to think. Something came out through my spirit. Wheels are turning. I'm on a mission. God is good all the time. Stay tuned...this is just the beginning.