Reflections of Round 1 and experiences yet to come.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Super Powers

On a daily basis I hear of incredible new super powers created in the mind of the most amazing boy I know. (I swear I am not biased just because I made him myself.) It's amazing the detail he puts into the characters he creates in his on-going action adventure. This is a game he has been playing for almost two years. And yes as he gets older it evolves and he never forgets a detail. It's quite mind blowing. As I was listening to my daily re-cap of this adventure, I began thinking about super powers. We all have super powers. Most of us just waste them, never tapping into them. We all have special gifts that make us who we are. So why don't we use them? We read about the super powers of those who have lived before us, but think for some reason we are not capable of these amazing things. Is it simply that we have lost our imagination? The capability of manifesting these powers with our thoughts? At what point in life do we lose this brilliant imagination? And how can we get it back? I pray that my son never loses his.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Love Lessons

 I can't believe it's almost October. This year has flew by. I have been reflecting on this year as I set some pretty big goals and sort of ended up on a different path. I want to make sure I'm not missing any lessons meant for me. If I had to give this year a title so far, it would be the year of "love lessons." If you have known me for a long time or paid any attention to my blog, you have an idea of my history with relationships. You would think I would have learned some things a long time ago, but some lessons you keep repeating because you don't like the truth in them. I've learned no matter how much you don't like the truth, it is a blessing and will set you free. I think I have learned the most lessons about love this year of my life than all of the other years combined. The biggest lesson I'm still learning is how to really be in love with me. For a long time, I had no clue. I loved others more than I loved myself and it caused me a lot of heartache and pain. It took me a long time to realize I had to love myself first. If I didn't know how to do that right, how I could never really love anyone else? And how could anyone else ever really love me? I've learned what love doesn't look like. I lied to myself about that one for a very long time. Love doesn't hurt. I've learned that love can come unexpectedly and sometimes instantly. I've learned that love doesn't mean you have to be with someone and you can love from afar. I've learned a lot about reasons, seasons and lifetimes. I've learned the heart is very resilient and is always capable of loving again no matter how broken you may think it is. Most or all, I've learned that if you live each day with love and put love into everything you do, love will always come back to you.  Spread luv. 

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Life is wonderful right now and I am so grateful for this moment I am in. My motivation is at an all time high - which means there will be some people who probably get upset with me. I am completely focused so if you don't hear from me, don't take it personal. It's not that I love you any less, it's that I have to give 100% to what I know I need to do. It's crazy how when you take the time to really do you and follow your dreams, the people who are too afraid to do that for themselves are the ones who will have the biggest problems with it. Misery loves company, but I don't know that b*tch.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's on...

So I'm sort of in a battle against my self. Well maybe not a battle but a challenge. I reached that moment that you wait for but think it will never come. That "click" or "ah ha" or "get it" moment. When all the crap that you go through in life suddenly reveals it's purpose. Yes, that is the moment I am currently in. Gratitude swag in full effect right now. I won't share what it is that revealed itself to least not yet. But trust me, it will reveal itself to the world soon enough. So, I will boldly say I have had a vision of my true purpose. Now, my challenge is to step out fully on faith and go all in on it. Guess my new tattoo had perfect timing. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Busy Bee...

Pause....ok that's about the only break I have been able to take in over a week. My to do list runs into next year. But busy is much better than bored. Got some big things on that list. Can't wait. God is good. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


The enemy really goes all out when you are close to your breakthrough. So I've been sick for like a week. The kind where you have a lot to do but can't really function. But you still try to function anyway and in turn you just stay sick because you are not resting. Break the cycle. Anyway, this temporary set back from my new work out routine and projects at home has actually been a blessing in disguise. It has given me time to think. Like really think. Almost meditation, but not quite. Couldn't clear my mind of the pending projects at work and home completely. But still pretty close to meditation. Close enough to have some pretty awesome revelations. This is the part where I laugh in the enemy's face. Ha Ha Ha. This year is almost coming to a close. I got some big things to do before it does. Stay tuned....

Thursday, September 9, 2010


So I started a new exercise routine and I'm seeing progress already. Only get one body, better take care of it right? I've also started a new sleeping routine and eating routine. Feeling better each day. Change is good. Mix that with the people in my life that make me smile on a daily basis and life is beautiful. If I had to describe myself in two words right now they would be: Blessed and Grateful.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Someone special reminded me of the path I am supposed to be easily we can get distracted and led off into the bushes. Thank God for the Angels he places in your life. Whether they realize they are or not.