Reflections of Round 1 and experiences yet to come.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A few things...

I really need to get a few things off my chest....

- Just because I am a little person, it does not give you the right to take up my space on the plane. You did not pay for one and a half seats. Get away from me.

- If you know you are coughing, sneezing, snorting and whatever else in a confined area with a lot of people, like on a plane, buy a mask. We do not want your germs.

- Obama hasn't even been in office 8 weeks, and people are already trying to tear him apart. Love him or hate him-  give him 8 years like you did Bush. It took Bush that long to get us in all this shit. Obama can't get us out overnight. 

- Politicians are Politicians no matter who they are. Remember that. This IS America. Land of the free. Appreciate your freedom. In some countries you would be killed for portraying the leader of your nation as an animal getting shot. 

- Racism and prejudice are still alive in this country. How easily people seem to forget that this country was built on the blood, sweat and tears of slaves. Minorities fought in every war we have had and been a part of building every industry this country has thrived on.  We are all living in a nation that was stolen. White. Black. Latino. Asian- none of us are natives. We all bleed red.

- Black people- we are not slaves anymore. Stop living with a slave mentality. Think outside of the box you have confined yourself to. Dream bigger. God made us an enduring people for a reason. Imagine what we could accomplish if we really used our gifts. They can't kill us, beat us or torture us (legally) anymore- all they can do is hate. Let them hate, we are stronger. They can't stop us and there is nothing they can do about the black man sleeping in the White House tonight.

- Why the f**k is octo-mom on every news channel all day everyday? Her 14 kids will be taking care of by all the money being wasted on the book/media deals pouring in. What about the thousands of kids in this country starving, living on the streets and dying everyday. Why isn't that all over the news? Focus on a real problem.

- The economy is all jacked up. We are all dealing with it. Maybe it's time to focus on what life is really about instead of seeing who can floss the best. Learn the words- emergency fund.

Ok, that is all for now. Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

  1. That's alot of stuff you just got off your chest. Tell em why you mad son.
