Reflections of Round 1 and experiences yet to come.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How quickly things change

Life has a way of mixing everything up and spitting it back out all unorganized in a blink of the eye. How quickly things change. One moment you are heading down a path and suddenly you are lost or forced to make an unexpected turn. Along the way sometimes you lose people or should I say they follow a different path causing you to lose touch. This may be a good thing...other times it's hard to accept. In the end, if you rely on faith you will know that whereever the path takes you is right where you need to be.

1 comment:

  1. i feel you on that. things do change quickly! especially when we & our friends have different paths & dreams that follow. i am experiencing the same with my best friend whom i have not talked to in weeks! it bothers me more lately but i know that our objectives are quite different these days...just hard to accept it's time that i move on to the next level. i'm sure you'll connect again (if the connection was truly for you!)
