Reflections of Round 1 and experiences yet to come.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Turning the other cheek....

Is not an easy thing to do. We expect that people will treat us with the same respect we treat them. We expect that people we are there for be there for us. We expect the people we love to love us back. The problem is most of the time people don't live up to your expectations. So we get mad, feel hurt, want to punish them for not being who or what we want them to be. But if you really think about it, they probably showed you who they really were from the very start. But you brushed it off, thought they would change. Made excuses for it. We all do it. Until one day we learn the lesson that the only person you can set expectations for is yourself. All you can do is pray for everyone else and lead by example.


  1. A pink flag is still an off-red flag (kinda sorta...) I had to learn that the hard way!

  2. OMG, so right and so true. I'm not making any more excuses for anyone! If it looks like a duck, quack likes a duck then I'm calling it by its name!
