Reflections of Round 1 and experiences yet to come.

Friday, October 31, 2008

What Am I?

I can't tell you how many times I have been asked this question: What are you? On any given day I could be any number of races, nationalities, groups depending on the person judging. If you asked my son this question 2 years ago he would simply say I was brown. If life could only stay that simple. For some reason people want to force me into a category. I must be exotic, ethnic, other. So, what am I? I am a complex, simple, beautiful, sensitive, funny, scared, intuitive, impatient, driven, shy, determined, sometimes cranky, honest, laid back, smart, human being. But the answer most are looking for is that I am an all American midwestern mixed girl. White Mother. Black Father. Born and raised in Michigan. It took me a long time to be ok with that. I spent my lifetime trying to figure out where I fit in- but those stories I will save for another day. Check back. Today I will enjoy the one day that I will go out and be happy to hear the question: What are you? I haven't decided what I will be today, but those attending the Halloween party at Django tonight will find out. Lesson Learned- just be you, you don't have to "fit" into anything.

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