Reflections of Round 1 and experiences yet to come.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Old Habits

One more day to finalize resolutions. I have realized that breaking old habits is hard to do. I have eliminated a lot from my life this year and grown tremendously but somehow they tend to creep back up on you when you least expect it. What about human nature makes this so? Just a thought I'm pondering as I look to next year's resolutions. Maybe this is why it's so hard for so many people to keep them. But those that do....

Sunday, December 28, 2008


I'm down to 3 days. 3 days left in 2008- where did the time go? What a year. I feel like I've experienced more personal growth in this year alone than my last 29 combined. There have been ups and many many downs. It's the hard times that show you who you really are and what you are made of. I'm grateful for what the hard times bring to my life. 3 days. I've been thinking about my resolutions for next year. 3 days to focus my goals and lay them out for the world to see. (Hoping this will make them stick.) As I said before they are going to be big ones. (At least for me personally.) 2009- I aim to grow even more than I did this year if that is at all possible. Grow with me.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry CHRISTmas

With all the activities going on around the holidays the purpose of Christmas sometimes gets lost in the gifts, food,  and festivities.  Take a moment today to remember the true meaning of Christmas and what we are celebrating. In these hard times, remember God is bigger than all of your problems and He is always on time. Stand in Faith. Merry Christmas to everyone and may you receive all the blessings God has in store for you.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Friends & Family

Nothing is better than spending time with the important people in your life. Here is to spending time with friends and family and friends that have become family and family that you also consider friends:) Family isn't always the one you were born into. Family is the group of people with whom you feel loved and keep you grounded. The ones you couldn't make it through life without. Happy Holidays, celebrate the blessings you have in the people you hold dear. 

Monday, December 22, 2008

But He is always on time...

I'm exhausted. I've had a long couple weeks. Life's ups and downs. But after today I do know one thing for sure. God isn't always right there when you call, but He is always on time. Faith is the most powerful thing in the world. That's all for tonight. Now I rest. 

Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Beginnings

I have about 2 weeks to decide what I will focus on for resolutions next year. This will be the year I actually stick to them. I know, everyone says that every year. Some close friends of mine and I were discussing this the other day. Everyone should have New Year's resolutions. Everyone should strive to keep growing. How great is it that we all get a chance at a new beginning. So this year sucked for a lot of people. The economy is falling apart. People are losing their jobs and homes. But 09 is a new beginning. New Year. New President. New inspiration.  Accomplishing goals is my theme for next year and I have some big ones. But I also have a big God. Through Him anything is possible. So I will spend the next 2 weeks focusing on what is most important for me to accomplish in my life next year. Check back. I will be sure to share the journey. 

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bring It

Round 2 isn't quite what I thought it would be all of the time. Isn't this supposed to be the decade where you come into your own, have accomplished at least some of your goals and are well on the way to establishing yourself? Just when things seem to be smooth sailing...the boat breaks in half. In round 2 will challenges be twice as hard? When I was a child did I say I was bored one to many times? Is this why God keeps giving me all of these wonderful obstacles to overcome? Remind me to never say I'm bored again.  The difference between round 1 and round 2 is that I am fully prepared to face these challenges head on. I know what don't kill me makes me stronger and though it seems hard now it will be alright again. That is the cycle of life. Who wouldn't want to be stronger? So I say, bring it on.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Several experiences lately have led to a variety of conversations which made me ponder a simple question: If you had to choose, would you rather love or be loved? I think the answer to this question says a lot about a person. I'm going to do some asking and I'll let you know what I learn from the responses. I think it's a good discussion to have. Thoughts?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Feel Good Music

Music. It's always been a part of my life. It motivates me to get through each day. I'm riding home today listening to a 90s Hip-Hop mix on the radio and something hit me. It was the feeling it brought to me. It was feel good music. That's missing in a lot of music on the radio today. Yea, there are great songs on the radio if you want to go to the club and dance. There are even some great songs on the radio if you are "in love" or want to learn how to waste all your money poppin bottles. But where is the real feel good music? The kind of music that just gets you excited no matter what mood you are in when it comes on. The kind of music that tells a story. The kind that you can completely relate to. The kind of music that makes you really want to DANCE. When you hear it you just feel good. I'm glad I get to be a part of a 90s party each month (Djangos- Downtown ATL- Urban Entertainment- check it out.) Because everybody needs a little feel good music.

Monday, December 8, 2008

PC Break

So today I have really been exercising my PC side. Spreadsheets galore. I had to take a break for my inner Mac :) A little creative release to get me through the rest of the day...or should I say night as it will be a long one. I've had some really great conversations lately with people from all aspects of my life. People are what make life interesting. If you really stop and listen to what people are saying, life will tell you a new story everyday. I think we all get so busy we are all only half-listening most of the time. We can't totally listen because our brain is too busy thinking about all the things we think we need to be doing instead of being in the current conversation. I've been practicing full-listening. (To match the viewing the glass half full exercises I have also added to my daily life.) A few more "full" focused practices are sure to come over the next few weeks. Hopefully they will lead to days full of joy.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I keep getting reminded that people disappoint you. But I am also seeing how people can surprise you. It's funny how some people come into your life just at the right time and say exactly what you need to hear. The disappointing people- get rid of them. Life is too short.


So it has been a few weeks since we learned we would have a Black President. The days following the election there was so much excitement. So much hope. So many people encouraged to do more. Get more. Be more. Now a month later....are we really over it already? Where is all the negativity seeping back in from? Gas is down. Hey, that's kinda a big deal if you live in Atlanta and are forced into a crazy commute. So the economy still sucks - does that really mean you disregard someone's life to save a few dollars on a TV? Really? Is it that serious? If it is, then you need prayer and not a sale. There is still opportunity everywhere- maybe it's time to look in new places. We have a new year ahead of us. Stay positive. Change is happening. Make the most of it.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I woke up this morning bombarded with negative emotions- fear, doubt, regret. Life does that to you sometimes. I think it is a test of strength. During Round 1 I would have let these emotions consume me sending me into a spiral of negativity. Instead of going down that path I stood firm on my faith. Everything happens for a reason and I have faith that everything is going to be just fine. So instead of worrying about the things I cannot change, I am focusing on the things I can. Today will be a day of planning and preparation.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Life is a series of random events until you wake up one day and realize that you do have some control over your destiny. Free will exists for a reason. You get to make choices. You choose paths to take. You choose people to spend your time with. You choose what you do when you wake up in the morning and what you do before you go to sleep. You find out life isn't a series of random events after all. It's a journey of choices, experiences, lessons and growth. Sometimes we relapse on lessons learned and end up in the same place twice. It just means we didn't learn the lesson this first time. Pay attention the second time. Its' all about the choices you make.