Reflections of Round 1 and experiences yet to come.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Chill with the Zebras

It's a fact stress makes people sick. Stress makes lives difficult and people miserable. Why do we as Americans keep building a culture that increases the stress in all of our lives? Our bodies react to stress to avoid danger. The only time other living things are stressed is when they are running for their lives so they don't get eaten by some lion chasing them. Once the lion is gone, they go back to chill mode. Why is it we can't? We sit and think about the lion chasing us even after the lion is long gone or worry about the next lion that just might happen to appear. We lay in bed thinking about lions instead of sleeping. We go about our lives finding ways to breed more and more lions and wonder why we can't get rid of them. Well I am making sure that my life has a lion-free zone that I visit on a daily basis and chill with the zebras. 

1 comment:

  1. Smart ... Get you some stress free Zebras to chill with you ...
