Reflections of Round 1 and experiences yet to come.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Me, Happier

Lately, I have been spending a lot of time with one of the most important people in my life- Me. I realized I have spent more of my years ignoring and neglecting her than giving her the attention she needs. So I have been spending a lot of quality time with Me. She has been taking advantage of this time making sure I know how hurt she is that I haven't always been there for her. It's been full of ups and downs. Laughter and tears. I'm learning something new about Me everyday and as it turns out I really like her. In fact, I think I am actually learning to love her. Who would have thought? Each day I spend with Me gets better and better. She is opening up and I am letting her know that I am here for her. I think this is the beginning of a long, beautiful relationship with the end result being- Me, Happier. 

1 comment:

  1. "Me,Happier" my dear is what being in your 30's is ALL about! you're getting the hang of it. not so bad, huH?
